Did You Reach Your Goals This Year?

dart hitting the goal in the center of the target

It’s that time of year again when people reflect on their goals and resolutions from the past year. Did you achieve everything you wanted to? If you didn’t, there might be a good explanation for why.

Most people don’t set specific goals; they just set vague resolutions such as “I want to be healthier” or “I want to be more successful.” Unfortunately, without clear targets or timelines, these resolutions are often forgotten by February.

To achieve something, it’s important to make a plan with a target and timeline. With this strategy, measuring your progress and seeing if you’re making headway is much easier. Read on if you’re interested in learning how to achieve your goals this year or what to do if you don’t reach them!

1. Reflect on Your Goals

Look back at the goals you set at the beginning of the year and take some time to reflect on them. Some questions to ask yourself include:

  • What was my goal?
  • Did I achieve it? If not, why?
  • How can I improve for next year?
  • Were there things affecting me that were outside of my control?
  • Did I have a lack of motivation or focus? If so, why?

Understanding where you went wrong is key if you’re going to succeed in reaching your goals next year. 

Do the same thing for resolutions that you achieved as well! Take some time to highlight what worked, what you enjoyed, and how you grew. Take notes and use that strategy in the future. Most importantly, celebrate your success!

2. Face the Truth

We’re all human. We all have moments of procrastination and times when we allow life to get in the way of who we want to be. It’s important to confront the truth: Were you on track to achieve your goals or were you continually putting them off?

Be honest with yourself; it’s the only way forward. If you didn’t reach a goal, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It just means it’s time to reset and figure out other ways to reach your goals.

By being aware of your successes and failures this year, you can set yourself up for an even more successful and motivated next year. Take the time to re-evaluate any obstacles you faced this year so that you can overcome them in the future.

3. Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART goals is the most effective way to make sure you can meet your objectives.  SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. 

  • Be specific: When you have a clear goal, it’s easier to take actionable steps toward achieving it. For example, instead of saying, “I want to be more successful,” set a specific goal such as “I want to increase my annual income by 10%.”
  • Be measurable: You need something you can measure progression on. Make sure your goals are quantifiable so that you know if you’re making progress or not. You can set weekly or monthly targets to measure your progress.
  • Be achievable: Set realistic goals and consider any obstacles. When you have vague goals, you quickly get disheartened and give up. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! Your goals don’t have to be grandiose — focus on something important and meaningful to you.
  • Be relevant: Your goal should be important to you and have a result that is of value to you. Relevant goals keep you motivated and focused so that you can achieve them.
  • Be timely: You’re much more likely to achieve your goals if you set a timeline for completing them. It’s too easy to put something off when there’s no pressure, but having a deadline gives you the motivation to get it done.

Setting SMART goals helps you be more intentional and specific with your objectives. It also helps to have measurable steps that you can celebrate accomplishing. 

4. Make a Plan

Whether you’re looking to improve your health, relationships, or career, setting goals is an essential first step. But once you’ve figured out what you want to achieve, it can take time to figure out where to start. That’s why creating an action plan is important. A roadmap will help you navigate the path from where you are now to where you want to be.

Breaking down your goal into smaller steps can help you feel more confident and motivated as you progress. When you can see the individual steps in front of you, it becomes easier to identify roadblocks and find detours around them.

If you’re feeling stuck, take a moment to sit down and figure out an action plan. It could be the first step on the journey to achieving your goals.

5. Remember That Failure Is Part of the Process

It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t reach a goal. But failure is part of the process, and it doesn’t mean you can’t succeed in the future.

Many of the most successful people in the world have experienced far more failure than most people realize. The key is to learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

If you can do that, then you’ll eventually reach your goals. Even if you don’t do as well as you wanted, you’ll be satisfied knowing you tried your best. Don’t be afraid of failure or setbacks — embrace them as part of the journey to success.

6. Use the Power of Accountability

Anyone who has tried to make a significant change in their life knows that staying motivated can be extremely challenging. New temptations and old habits can always lure us off course.

It’s important to have someone in our corner cheering us on and helping us to stay on track. An accountability partner can fill this role, offering support and encouragement when we need it most.

Having someone who understands our goals and is invested in our success can make all the difference in achieving our dreams. If you’re looking for extra motivation, consider finding an accountability partner to help you reach your goals.


As you reflect on the past year, take a moment to think about your goals and how far you’ve come. Then use the tips outlined above to help you create an action plan and stay motivated as you work toward success. You can make 2023 your best year with the right mindset and determination. Start setting goals, put a plan into action, and go out there to achieve it!