How To Set New Year Goals

couple celebrating new years goals with sparklers

With New Year just around the corner, you may feel excited and hopeful about setting New Year’s resolutions and achieving them. However, most people often fail to stick to these resolutions. Instead of making resolutions this time around, you might want to create New Year’s goals that you can achieve gradually rather than instantly. Check out our article to learn how you can set New Year’s goals effectively.

Keep Your Goals Specific

To help realize your New Year’s goals, you need to be specific. Do not just say you want to lose weight or stay fit. Establish how much weight you intend to lose and what’s the timeframe. For example, you want to lose six pounds in the next two months. You’ll need to create a plan, such as going to the gym three times a week for three months and then making it five times a week afterward.

If you want to save money, determine how much and how you can achieve it. For instance, plan to save $25 per week by packing lunch or cutting down on takeouts and eating out. Meanwhile, if you want to get better at staying connected with your friends, invite them for a coffee date once or twice a week.

Instead of saying you want to perform better at work, set specific goals like going to work 30 minutes earlier. By being specific, you’ll remain focused and inspired to reach your goals.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting big goals might keep you motivated for a while. Say, you want to land a job that is double or triple your current salary, settle all your debts in 3 months, or lose 30 pounds. However, make sure to keep your goals realistic, attainable, and measurable, so you won’t end up frustrated.

For instance, start with updating your resume and checking out various job posts online that match your skills and experience. Intend to pay off $20 per week for your debt. Then, don’t stock unhealthy food at home. Instead, place fruits, yogurt, carrots, and other healthy food and snacks in your fridge.

If you want to spend more time with your family, commit to having breakfast with them five times a week. Moreover, if you want to maintain a cleaner home, allot 20 minutes or more for the task after having your dinner.

Write Down Your Goals and Review

Writing down New Year goals helps increase your accountability. Thus, consider posting them on your fridge. You might also want to use the bathroom mirror, so you’ll see them every morning and night.

You can take a photo of your New Year’s goals, too. Then, make them the wallpaper of your phone or the screensaver of your computer. You might also want to write these goals in your journal. This way, it’s easier to track your progress and see whether you need some adjustments.

Remember that it’s alright to make changes to your New Year goals. Don’t be afraid to reevaluate your goals after a month or so. You might realize that some goals don’t seem possible, so you’ll need to tweak them accordingly.

Gain Support

Getting support from a family member, partner, friend, or colleague can help you set and achieve your New Year goals. Telling other people about your goals allows you to be more accountable and motivated. You won’t give up easily, given that another person is relying on you. Moreover, sharing this journey with them adds to the fun and challenge.

Thus, invite your best friend, a close family member, or a like-minded individual to join you in developing and realizing your New Year goals. Explain to them your goals, and check in with them frequently to make sure you’re headed in the right direction. For instance, join a fitness challenge together at a health club near your place. When you feel uninspired, there’s someone who will encourage you to finish your goal together. Research has shown that those who write down their goals and share their progress with friends are more likely to achieve their goals.

Celebrate Your Wins

Whether small or big, celebrate your wins to stay motivated and get reminded of how fulfilling it is. For example, if you’ve arrived at work on time for two straight months just as you intended to achieve, reward yourself with a new PC game, car accessory, toy, or anything related to your passions or hobbies.

Just make sure that the reward won’t make it more challenging to realize your New Year goals. For instance, if you’re trying to reduce your debt, you might avoid taking a trip abroad just to reward yourself for coming to work on time or losing weight. From buying a good book to getting new drumsticks, you can celebrate your milestones in simple but inspiring ways.

Use your sense of fulfillment to help stick to your goals, too. For example, if you were able to follow your workout schedule, it doesn’t mean that you can stop scheduling because you know you’ll naturally allot time for fitness now.

Moreover, if you stopped smoking for three months, it doesn’t mean that you should start meeting your friends who smoke. Be consistent even after rewarding yourself, and use that sense of accomplishment to strengthen your healthy habits and keep being proud of yourself in the coming years.

Final Thoughts

Setting New Year goals includes keeping your goals specific and realistic, writing them down and reviewing them regularly, getting support from friends or loved ones, and celebrating your wins. By setting smaller yet achievable goals, you’ll enjoy your journey toward growth in life, work, relationships, and more.